Our Story: A Journey to Refreshment
1998: ROCARM began with a simple, yet ambitious dream:
To offer high-quality, safe, and delicious beverages that bring joy and refreshment to people's lives.
2000-2010: We tirelessly dedicated ourselves to perfecting our recipes, expanding our product range, and establishing efficient production processes.
2010-2020: ROCARM emerged as a market leader, earning the love and trust of millions of customers.
2020-Present: We continue to evolve by embracing innovation, venturing into new markets, and always prioritizing:
Delivering the pure, refreshing taste of Armenia with the highest commitment to quality and safety.
Our story is one of perseverance, determination, and a steadfast belief in our potential.
We take pride in our achievements and face the future with optimism!
Together, let's create even more refreshing stories!
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